Policy Condition

Table of contents

PolicyCondition represents an entity that applies defined operation over provided Policy Variables and returns a Boolean or null. Boolean is returned if input variables are valid and compliant with selected operation and if operation is run successfully.

It is defined by IPolicyCondition interface, which has the following fields:

negateResultBooleanoptionalFlag that indicates if the result of the Condition should be negated (true becomes false and false becomes true). If result is null, negation is not applied. Default value is false

IPolicyCondition interface implements IManaged interface. The IPolicyCondition interface has three implementations:


This entity represents atomic Policy condition in the Policy engine. It runs selected operation over provided input variables and returns result

operationOperationEnummandatoryLogical operation in condition
argsIPolicyVariableRefOrValue[]mandatoryList of input PolicyVariables
stringIgnoreCaseBooleanoptionalFlag that determines should String operations ignore case. Default value is false
fieldsStrictCheckBooleanoptionalFlag that determines should Object operations* do a strict field check by setting CompareMode.JSON_OBJECT_NON_EXTENSIBLE and CompareMode.JSON_ARRAY_NON_EXTENSIBLE flags. Default value is false
arrayOrderStrictCheckBooleanoptionalshould Array operations* do a strict item position check by setting CompareMode.JSON_ARRAY_STRICT_ORDER flag. Default value is false
  • Object and Array JSON operations are executed using JSON Compare library

check() method of PolicyConditionAtomic entity returns Boolean result or null. If PolicyConditionAtomic is managed, then result of operation will be cached. If any input parameter is not resolved, method will return null as a result. If any input parameter is not compliant with selected operation, method will return null as a result.

Supported PolicyConditionAtomic operations

operationfirst parametersecond parameterdescription
Equals* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* Boolean
* JsonArray
* JsonObject
* Array
* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* Boolean
* JsonArray
* JsonObject
* Array
Compares parameters to check if first parameter is equal to the second parameter. Smart cast is applied on the second parameter. Unknown and null runtime values are not supported. JSON, JsonObject, JsonArray and Array (cast to JsonArray using options provided Jackson mapper valueToTree() method) are compared using JSON Compare library.
GreaterThan* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
Compares parameters to check if first parameter is greater than the second parameter. Smart cast is applied on the second parameter.
GreaterThanEqual* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
Compares parameters to check if first parameter is greater or equal to the second parameter. Smart cast is applied on the second parameter.
LessThan* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
Compares parameters to check if first parameter is lesser than the second parameter. Smart cast is applied on the second parameter.
LessThanEqual* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* String
* Date
* DateTime
* Time
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
Compares parameters to check if first parameter is lesser or equal to the second parameter. Smart cast is applied on the second parameter.
IsNull* AnyXChecks if runtime value is null
IsNotNull* AnyXChecks if runtime value is not null
IsBlank* StringXChecks if String is blank
IsNotBlank* StringXChecks if String is not blank
IsEmpty* String
* JsonArray
* Array
XChecks if String or Array is empty
IsNotEmpty* String
* JsonArray
* Array
XChecks if String or Array is not empty
StartsWith* String
* JsonArray
* Array
* AnyChecks if String or Array starts with specific string or item. In case of an array, first item is compared with second argument using Equals operation. Smart cast to String is applied on the second parameter if first parameter is String.
EndsWith* String
* JsonArray
* Array
* AnyChecks if String or Array ends with specific string or item. In case of an array, last item is compared with second argument using Equals operation. Smart cast to String is applied on the second parameter if first parameter is String.
Contains* String
* JsonArray
* Array
* AnyChecks if String or Array contains specific string or item. In case of an array, any() kotlin method is applied to check if there is at least one item that is Equal to second argument. Smart cast to String is applied on the second parameter if first parameter is String.
IsIn* Any* String
* JsonArray
* Array
Checks if String or item is in another string or array. This method under the hood invokes Contains method logic, but with switched parameters. In case of an array, any() kotlin method is applied to check if there is at least one item that is Equal to first argument. Smart cast to String is applied on the first parameter if second parameter is String.
IsPositive* Int
* Long
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* Period
* Duration
XChecks if numerical or duration value is positive.
IsNegative* Int
* Long
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* Period
* Duration
XChecks if numerical or duration value is negative.
IsZero* Int
* Long
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* Period
* Duration
XChecks if numerical or duration value is equal to 0.
IsFuture* DateTime
* Date
* Time
XChecks if temporal value is in the future. Comparison is done with currentDateTime, currentDate and currentTime environment store values or from provided options clock parameter.
IsPast* DateTime
* Date
* Time
XChecks if temporal value is in the past. Comparison is done with currentDateTime, currentDate and currentTime environment store values or from provided options clock parameter.
RegexpMatch* Any* StringChecks if first parameter is matching Regex provided in second parameter. First value is cast to String.
SchemaMatch* Any* String
* JsonObject
Checks if first parameter is matching JSONSchema provided in second parameter. First value is cast to String. Schema matching is executed using Vert.x Json Schema library
IsUnique* JsonArray
* Array
XChecks if Array has unique elements. Comparison is done by comparing size of provided Array and same Array with distinct parameters.
HasKey* JsonObject* StringChecks Object provided in first argument contains key provided in second argument.


Minimal PolicyConditionAtomic

    "operation": "GreaterThan",
    "args": [
            "id": "polVar1",
            "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "type": "int",
            "value": 42

Minimal PolicyConditionAtomic with unary operation

    "operation": "IsBlank",
    "args": [
            "id": "polVar1",
            "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"

PolicyConditionAtomic with params

    "operation": "Equals",
    "args": [
            "id": "polVar1",
            "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "type": "string",
            "value": "fooBar"
    "stringIgnoreCase": true

Managed PolicyConditionAtomic

    "id": "polCond1",
    "version": "1.2.3",
    "description": "This is a managed PolicyConditionAtomic",
    "labels": [
    "operation": "Equals",
    "args": [
            "id": "polVar1",
            "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "type": "string",
            "value": "fooBar"
    "stringIgnoreCase": true

Smart casting

Engine can cast second argument to the type of first argument if they are compliant with following rules:

target typesourceType
String* Boolean
* Date - using options.dateFormatter
* DateTime - using options.dateTimeFormatter
* Time - using options.timeFormatter
* Period
* Duration
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
* JsonObject - using options.objectMapper
* JsonArray - using options.objectMapper
* Array - using options.objectMapper
Date* String - using options.dateFormatter
* DateTime - using kotlin toLocaldate() method
* JSON - using options.objectMapper and then options.dateFormatter
DateTime* String - using options.dateTimeFormatter
* Date - using kotlin OffsetDateTime().atStartOfDay().atZone(options.zoneId) method
* JSON - using options.objectMapper and then options.dateTimeFormatter
Time* String - using options.timeFormatter
* DateTime - using kotlin OffsetDateTime().toLocalTime() method
* JSON - using options.objectMapper and then options.timeFormatter
Period* String - using Period.parse()
* Duration - using Period.ofDays($duration.toDays().toInt())
* JSON - using options.objectMapper and then Period.parse()
Duration* String - using Duration.parse()
* JSON - using options.objectMapper and then Duration.parse()
Long* String
* Int
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
Int* String
* Long
* Double
* Float
* BigDecimal
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
Double* String
* Long
* Int
* Float
* BigDecimal
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
Float* String
* Long
* Int
* Double
* BigDecimal
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
BigDecimal* String
* Long
* Int
* Double
* Float
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
Boolean* String
* JSON - using options.objectMapper
JSON* JsonObject
* JsonArray
* Null - cast to NullNode()
JsonObject* String - only if it is valid JSON Object
* JSON - only if it is valid JSON Object
JsonArray* String - only if it is valid JSON Array
* JSON - only if it is valid JSON Array
* Array - only if it is valid JSON Array


This entity represents combination of other Policy Conditions (atomic, composite or references). It calculates result based on condition combination logic.

conditionCombinationLogicConditionCombinationLogicEnummandatoryCombination operation in composite PolicyCondition
conditionsIPolicyConditionRefOrValue[]mandatoryList of PolicyConditions (embedded), PolicyConditionRefs (managed) or DefaultPolicyConditions
minimumConditionsIntoptional*Minimal number of conditions in nOf ConditionCombinationlogic that must resolve to true. Mandatory parameter only in that case, ignored in other cases.
optimizeNOfRunBooleanoptionalshould nOf calculation run through all conditions in case when result true cannot be achieved.
For example, if there are 5 conditions in a list, minimumConditions is set to 3 and first three conditions resolve to combination of 2 false and 1 null result.
Result true thus cannot be achieved, even if other conditions resolve to true. Optimized run will stop on 3rd execution and return null. Non optimized run will check all 5 conditions and return either null or false, depending on all results.
In some cases, optimized run could return null instead of false. Default value is false
strictCheckBooleanoptionalshould allOf and anyOf return null if there is at least one null result and no positive results. Default value is true.

check() method of PolicyConditionComposite entity returns Boolean result or null. If PolicyConditionComposite is managed, then result of operation will be cached. List of conditions must contain at least one condition. In case of not logic, number of conditions must be exactly 1.



It runs first (and only) condition from the conditions list and negates the result (if result is not null). Same effect can be achieved by setting negateResult flag to true in the underlying condition, but this logic is added in scenarios when that is not possible.


Returns true if any of the conditions in the conditions list resolves to true. It will run in optimized manner, when there is first true result, it will stop processing other conditions. Conditions are processed sequentially, in order they are listed.

If there is no true result, then final result depend on strictCheck flag. If strictCheck flag is set to true, and there is at least one null result, final result will be null. If that flag is not set, final result will be false. If all conditions resolved to false, final result will be false and strictCheck flag is ignored.


Returns true if all the conditions in the conditions list resolves to true. It will run in optimized manner, when there is first false result, it will stop processing other conditions and return false. Conditions are processed sequentially, in order they are listed.

If there is no false result, then final result depend on strictCheck flag. If strictCheck flag is set to true, and there is at least one null result, final result will be null. If that flag is not set, final result will be true. If all conditions resolved to true, final result will be true and strictCheck flag is ignored.


Returns true if at least minimumConditions from the conditions list resolves to true. It will run in optimized manner, when count of positive result reaches minimumConditions value, it will stop processing other conditions and return true. Conditions are processed sequentially, in order they are listed. Number of conditions in the conditions list must be equal or higher than minimumConditions value.

If there are more false results than conditions.size() - minimumConditions, final result will be false. If there are more null results than conditions.size() - minimumConditions, final result will be null.

If optimizeNOfRun flag is set to true, and sum of null and false results is higher than conditions.size() - minimumConditions, final result will be null and processing will stop. If that flag is not set, processing will continue and final result will depend on upper rules.


PolicyConditionComposite not logic

    "conditionCombinationLogic": "not",
    "conditions": [
            "operation": "IsBlank",
            "args": [
                    "id": "polVar1",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"

PolicyConditionComposite allOf logic

    "conditionCombinationLogic": "allOf",
    "conditions": [
            "operation": "IsBlank",
            "args": [
                    "id": "polVar1",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "id": "polCond1",
            "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
    "strictCheck": false

PolicyConditionComposite anyOf logic

    "conditionCombinationLogic": "anyOf",
    "conditions": [
            "operation": "IsBlank",
            "args": [
                    "id": "polVar1",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "id": "polCond1",
            "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
            "default": true

PolicyConditionComposite nOf logic

    "conditionCombinationLogic": "nOf",
    "conditions": [
            "operation": "IsBlank",
            "args": [
                    "id": "polVar1",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "operation": "IsEmpty",
            "args": [
                    "id": "polVar2",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "id": "polCond1",
            "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
    "minimumConditions": 2,
    "optimizeNOfRun": false

Managed PolicyConditionComposite

    "id": "polCond1",
    "version": "1.2.3",
    "description": "This is a managed PolicyConditionComposite",
    "labels": [
    "conditionCombinationLogic": "not",
    "conditions": [
            "operation": "IsBlank",
            "args": [
                    "id": "polVar1",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"


Represents a default policy condition that always returns a specified boolean value or null. It can be used as a fallback PolicyCondition or in tests. As result is static, it is not cached. It can be used as embedded or as a reference, where id in such reference is one of the following:

  • $true
  • $false
  • $null
defaultBooleanoptionalStatic Boolean result value or null. Default value is null.

Null PolicyConditionDefault

    "default": null

True PolicyConditionDefault

    "default": true

False PolicyConditionDefault

    "default": false

PolicyConditionRef to PolicyConditionDefault true

    "id": "$true",
    "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"


PolicyConditionRef is entity that references a PolicyCondition (atomic, composite or default). It contains following fields:

idStringmandatoryid of the managed PolicyCondition
versionStringoptionalSemVer of the referenced PolicyCondition. If it is left blank, latest version of a PolicyCondition will be populated
refTypeStringmandatorydiscriminator that is used when deserializing catalog from JSON file. It has constant value of PolicyConditionRef

Policy constraints

Policy constraints are nothing more than PolicyConditions that are used to check if a Policy, PolicyRelationship and PolicyActionRelationship is applicable to a given context.

If they are resolved to true:

  • Policy is evaluated
  • Child Policy in PolicySet is evaluated
  • PolicyAction in Policy is executed

If they are resolved to false, Policy evaluation or PolicyAction execution is skipped.
If they are resolved to null, appropriate flag is determining what should be the case. This is explained in details on Policy page.