Policy Catalog

Table of contents

PolicyCatalog is a container for all Policy entities: Policies, PolicyConditions, PolicyVariables, PolicyVariableResolvers and PolicyActions.

It is responsible for managing and providing access to the various components that make up a policy catalog. It performs validation checks on the catalog, ensuring that there are no circular references or missing references.

The catalog can be used to retrieve specific policy conditions, variables, resolvers, actions, and policies by their unique identifiers and versions. If entities are searched only by id, PolicyCatalog will return latest version of an entity sorted by version field in descending manner. It also provides methods to search for policy conditions and policies by their labels.

Every PolicyCatalog contains following properties:

idStringmandatoryUnique ID of a PolicyCatalog.
versionStringoptionalThe version of the policy catalog, using custom CalVer versioning scheme with format “YYYY-MM-DD[-R]” where “-R” is the optional revision number (positive int).
withDefaultPoliciesBooleanoptionalA boolean indicating whether to include default policies in the catalog. Default value is false.
withDefaultConditionsBooleanoptionalA boolean indicating whether to include default policy conditions in the catalog. Default value is false.
policiesIPolicy[]optional*The list of Policies in the catalog. Optional if policyCondition list is populated, otherwise it is mandatory.
policyConditionsIPolicyCondition[]optional*The list of PolicyConditions in the catalog. Optional if policies list is populated, otherwise it is mandatory.
policyVariablesIPolicyVariable[]optionalThe list of PolicyVariables in the catalog.
policyVariableResolversPolicyVariableResolver[]optionalThe list of PolicyVariableResolvers in the catalog.
policyActionsIPolicyAction[]optionalThe list of PolicyActions in the catalog.

Empty PolicyCatalog

Special entity that is used to represent an empty PolicyCatalog. It contains only default policies and default policy conditions. Id of such catalog is emtpy-policy-catalog. If PolicyEngine is created without defined PolicyCatalog, it will use this catalog as the default.


Here is an example of a PolicyCatalog that is used in AccessControl example:

    "id": "access-control",
    "version": "2024-02-17",
    "policies": [
            "id": "userAccess",
            "description": "Allows access to regular user if it is working day and working hour",
            "targetEffect": "permit",
            "condition": {
                "id": "regularUserAccess",
                "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
            "strictTargetEffect": true
            "id": "adminAccess",
            "description": "Allows access to admin user",
            "targetEffect": "permit",
            "condition": {
                "id": "isAdmin",
                "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
            "strictTargetEffect": true
            "id": "checkAccess",
            "description": "Checks if user has access",
            "actions": [
                    "executionMode": [
                    "action": {
                        "id": "setForbiddenMessage",
                        "refType": "PolicyActionRef"
                    "executionMode": [
                    "action": {
                        "id": "setAllowedMessage",
                        "refType": "PolicyActionRef"
            "policyCombinationLogic": "denyUnlessPermit",
            "policies": [
                    "policy": {
                        "id": "userAccess",
                        "refType": "PolicyRef"
                    "priority": 10,
                    "policy": {
                        "id": "adminAccess",
                        "refType": "PolicyRef"
    "policyConditions": [
            "id": "isAdmin",
            "description": "Checks if provided role is equal to 'admin'",
            "operation": "Equals",
            "args": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "value": "admin"
                    "id": "role",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "stringIgnoreCase": true
            "id": "isUser",
            "description": "Checks if provided role is equal to 'user'",
            "operation": "Equals",
            "args": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "value": "user"
                    "id": "role",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
            "stringIgnoreCase": true
            "id": "isWorkingDay",
            "description": "Checks if it is working day currently (Mon-Fri)",
            "operation": "LessThanEqual",
            "args": [
                    "id": "dayOfWeek",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
                    "type": "int",
                    "value": 5
            "id": "isWorkingHour",
            "description": "Checks if it is working hour currently (09:00-17:00)",
            "conditionCombinationLogic": "allOf",
            "conditions": [
                    "operation": "GreaterThanEqual",
                    "args": [
                            "id": "currentTime",
                            "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
                            "type": "string",
                            "format": "time",
                            "timeFormat": "HH:mm",
                            "value": "09:00"
                    "operation": "LessThanEqual",
                    "args": [
                            "id": "currentTime",
                            "refType": "PolicyVariableRef"
                            "type": "string",
                            "format": "time",
                            "timeFormat": "HH:mm",
                            "value": "17:00"
            "id": "regularUserAccess",
            "description": "Checks if user has role 'user' and if it is a working day",
            "conditionCombinationLogic": "allOf",
            "conditions": [
                    "id": "isUser",
                    "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
                    "id": "isWorkingDay",
                    "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
                    "id": "isWorkingHour",
                    "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
    "policyVariables": [
            "id": "role",
            "description": "Provided role",
            "resolvers": [
                    "id": "roleResolver",
                    "refType": "PolicyVariableResolverRef"
            "type": "string"
            "id": "currentTime",
            "description": "Current time",
            "resolvers": [
                    "source": "environment",
                    "key": "localTime"
            "type": "string",
            "format": "time"
            "id": "dayOfWeek",
            "description": "Current day of week",
            "resolvers": [
                    "source": "environment",
                    "key": "dayOfWeek"
            "type": "int"
    "policyVariableResolvers": [
            "id": "roleResolver",
            "description": "Extracts role from subject store",
            "source": "subject",
            "key": "role"
    "policyActions": [
            "id": "setForbiddenMessage",
            "description": "Sets message for user for which access has been denied",
            "key": "message",
            "value": {
                "resolvers": [
                        "source": "subject",
                        "path": "\"Access has been denied for \" + .username",
                        "engine": "JQ"
                "type": "string"
            "type": "save"
            "id": "setAllowedMessage",
            "description": "Sets message for user who has been granted access",
            "key": "message",
            "value": {
                "resolvers": [
                        "source": "subject",
                        "path": "\"Access has been granted for \" + .username",
                        "engine": "JQ"
                "type": "string"
            "type": "save"