
Table of contents

Policy defines an entity that evaluates a set of PolicyConditions or other Policies and returns result with possible side effects realized through PolicyActions. PolicyAction is mutating Context data store where items can be added, removed or modified.

It is defined by IPolicy interface, which has the following fields:

constraintIPolicyConditionRefOrValueoptionalRepresents constraint which is checking if Policy should be evaluated or not. On PolicySet it is run only on top level, as child Policies in PolicySet have constraints on PolicyRelationship level. This is designed on purpose, as same Policy defined in two PolicySets can have different constraints.
actionsPolicyActionRelationship[]optionalRepresents list of PolicyActions executed after Policy evaluation. PolicyActions are executed by priority, where higher number is executed first.
actionExecutionStrategyStringoptionalRepresents PolicyAction execution strategy. It can be one of the following:
* runAll - All PolicyActions are executed. If errors happen, they could be ignored or execution could stop
* untilSuccess - Execution stops on first successful PolicyAction execution
* stopOnFailure - Execution runs until first PolicyAction failure. Data modified up to this point in PolicyAction execution is retained
* rollbackOnFailure - Execution runs until first PolicyAction failure. Data modified up to this point in PolicyAction execution on Policy level is removed and data store is returned to the previous state
lenientConstraintsBooleanoptionalIf set to true, it will return NotApplicable Policy result if that particular Policy constraint returns null. If set to false, it will return Indeterminate result. Default value is true.
ignoreErrorsBooleanoptionalIf set to true, it will ignore any error that happens during execution of a PolicyAction with runAll strategy (it applies only on this strategy). If set to false, it will stop PolicyAction execution for that Policy. Default value is true.
priorityIntoptionalUsed to sort selected policies that are about to be evaluated. Higher number means Policy will be evaluated sooner. If no priority is set, or Policies have same priority, evaluation is done in order policies are listed in the PolicyCatalog. This is applicable only when Policy is invoked directly, and not as a child in the PolicySet. In that case, priority in the policies list determines evaluation order. This is designed intentionally, as same child Policy can have different priority for different PolicySets. Default value is 0.

Interface defines two important methods:

  • evaluate() - evaluates Policy and returns Policy result
  • runActions() - runs PolicyAction based on evaluation result

Policy engine is entity responsible to run these two methods in correct order.

IPolicy interface implements IManaged interface. The IPolicy interface has three implementations:


Policy results can be one of the following:

  • Permit - Policy result is positive and request is granted
  • Deny - Policy result is negative and request is denied
  • NotApplicable - Policy is not applicable to the given context
  • Indeterminate - Policy result is indeterminate and request is denied or granted based on other policies.
  • IndeterminatePermit - Policy result is indeterminate, but could have evaluated to Permit
  • IndeterminateDeny - Policy result is indeterminate, but could have evaluated to Deny


This entity represents single rule that is evaluated over a PolicyCondition and applies target effect (permit or deny) if condition resolves to true.

targetEffectStringmandatoryDefines Policy result when underlying PolicyCondition resolves to true. It can have two possible values:
* permit
* deny
conditionIPolicyConditionRefOrValuemandatoryDefines underlying PolicyCondition. It can be a reference to the managed PolicyCondition or an embedded one.
strictTargetEffectBooleanoptionalDefines behaviour when underlying PolicyCondition resolves to false.
If this flag is set to true, Policy with targetEffect permit will return deny as a result, and Policy with targetEffect deny will return permit as a result.
If this flag is set to false, Policy result in that case will always be notApplicable. Default value is false.

When Policy evaluation is run, following steps are taken:

  • If Policy is a managed one, it is checked if PolicyResult already exists in the cache. If it exists, PolicyResult is returned
  • If there is a constraint defined in Policy, it is checked. Depending on result of this check, notApplicable or indeterminate result can be returned immediately. More details in constraints content below.
  • PolicyCondition is checked. If condition result is:
    • true - then defined targetEffect is returned
    • false - returns opposite targetEffect or notApplicable, depending on strictTargetEffect flag
    • null - returns indeterminatePermit if targetEffect is set to permit or indeterminateDeny if targetEffect is set to deny
  • PolicyResult is put to cache if Policy is a managed one


Policy with permit targetEffect and PolicyConditionRef

    "targetEffect": "permit",
    "condition": {
        "id": "polCond1",
        "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"

Policy with deny targetEffect and embedded PolicyCondition

    "constraint": {
        "id": "customerScoringEvent",
        "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
    "actions": [
            "executionMode": [
            "action": {
                "id": "setCustomerAsMinor",
                "refType": "PolicyActionRef"
    "actionExecutionStrategy": "runAll",
    "ignoreErrors": false,
    "targetEffect": "deny",
    "condition": {
        "operation": "LessThan",
        "args": [
                "resolvers": [
                        "id": "birthdayResolver",
                        "refType": "PolicyVariableResolverRef"
                "type": "int",
                "value": 18

Managed Policy

    "id": "isCustomerMinor",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Denys customers below 18 years old",
    "labels": [
    "constraint": {
        "id": "customerScoringEvent",
        "refType": "PolicyConditionRef"
    "actions": [
            "executionMode": [
            "action": {
                "id": "setCustomerAsMinor",
                "refType": "PolicyActionRef"
    "actionExecutionStrategy": "runAll",
    "ignoreErrors": false,
    "targetEffect": "deny",
    "condition": {
        "operation": "LessThan",
        "args": [
                "resolvers": [
                        "id": "birthdayResolver",
                        "refType": "PolicyVariableResolverRef"
                "type": "int",
                "value": 18


Represents a collection of individual policies that are evaluated together using a specified policy combination logic.

policyCombinationLogicStringmandatoryDefines Policy combination logic. It can be one of the following:
* denyOverrides
* permitOverrides
* denyUnlessPermit
* permitUnlessDeny
* firstApplicable
* onlyOneApplicable
Detailed description below.
policiesPolicyRelationship[]mandatoryList of Policies, PolicySets or PolicyRefs that are run together with relationship metadata. Cannot be empty.
runChildActionsBooleanoptionalFlag that determines the default behavior for whether child actions should be run when executing a PolicySet. If true, child actions will be run by default when executing the PolicySet. If false, child actions will not be run by default. If this flag is set to true, some Policies can still be skipped when running actions by setting PolicyRelationship level runAction flag to false. Default value is false
strictUnlessLogicBooleanoptionalApplicable only on permitUnlessDeny and denyUnlessPermit combination logic. If set to true, it will return indeterminate result if any of the underlying Policies returns something other than permit or deny result.
If set to false it will return only permit or deny as a result. Details are described below. Default value is false
indeterminateOnActionFailBooleanoptionalDefines what happens if actions on child Policies fail. If it is set to true, when child Policy action fails, it will change Policy result to indeterminate.
If set to false it will not modify Policy result. Default value is false
skipCacheBooleanoptionalDefines that cache should be skipped on this PolicySet. Reason for this is that for PolicySet child actions are run immediately after particular child Policy evaluation. If cache is hit on parent PolicySet, then actions on child Policies will not be run again. They should be run first time this PolicySet was invoked and put to cache. This flag could potentially lead to undesired results, if there are multiple levels of PolicySets, each with different skipCache flags set. Default value is false

When PolicySet evaluation is run, following steps are taken:

  • If PolicySet is a managed one, it is checked if PolicyResult already exists in the cache. If it exists, PolicyResult is returned. Important to note here is that PolicyAction defined on PolicySet will still be run (as that is orchestrated by the engine), but child Policy actions will not be (as that is orchestrated by evaluate method). This behaviour can be changed by setting skipCache property to true. In that case, cache will be skipped for this PolicySet and will invoke evaluation and action running on all underlying Policies.
  • If there is a constraint defined in PolicySet, it is checked. Depending on result of this check, notApplicable or indeterminate result can be returned immediately. More details in constraints content below.
  • Depending on defined PolicyCombinationLogic, specific logic is invoked. As soon as result of child Policy is returned, action of that child policy is executed.
  • PolicyResult is put to cache if PolicySet is a managed one



This logic evaluates a set of policies and determines the overall policy result based on following logic:

  • as soon as there is first Policy that returns deny, it breaks the loop and returns deny as a final result
  • if there was any indeterminate result, it will return indeterminate
  • if there was any indeterminateDeny and (any indeterminatePermit or permit) results, it will return indeterminate
  • if there was any indeterminateDeny it will return indeterminateDeny
  • if there was any permit it will return permit
  • if there was any indeterminatePermit it will return indeterminatePermit
  • otherwise it will return notApplicable

Successful execution returns deny


This logic evaluates a set of policies and determines the overall policy result based on following logic:

  • as soon as there is first Policy that returns permit, it breaks the loop and returns permit as a final result
  • if there was any indeterminate result, it will return indeterminate
  • if there was any indeterminatePermit and (any indeterminateDeny or deny) results, it will return indeterminate
  • if there was any indeterminatePermit it will return indeterminatePermit
  • if there was any deny it will return deny
  • if there was any indeterminateDeny it will return indeterminateDeny
  • otherwise it will return notApplicable

Successful execution returns permit


This logic evaluates a set of policies and determines the overall policy result based on following logic:

  • as soon as there is first Policy that returns permit, it breaks the loop and returns permit as a final result
  • if there was any indeterminate or notApplicable result and strictUnlessLogic flag is set to true, it will return indeterminate. Additionally, if strictUnlessLogic is set to true, first result that is not deny or permit will break the loop.
  • otherwise it will return deny

Successful execution returns deny


This logic evaluates a set of policies and determines the overall policy result based on following logic:

  • as soon as there is first Policy that returns deny, it breaks the loop and returns deny as a final result
  • if there was any indeterminate or notApplicable result and strictUnlessLogic flag is set to true, it will return indeterminate. Additionally, if strictUnlessLogic is set to true, first result that is not deny or permit will break the loop.
  • otherwise it will return permit

Successful execution returns permit


This logic evaluates a set of policies and determines the overall policy result based on following logic:

  • as soon as there is first Policy that returns deny or permit, it breaks the loop and returns result of that child Policy as a final result
  • if there was any indeterminate result, it will return indeterminate
  • otherwise it will return notApplicable

Successful execution returns permit or deny


This logic evaluates a set of policies and determines the overall policy result based on following logic:

  • as soon as there is first Policy that returns deny or permit, it internally sets applicable counter to 1 and continues the loop. If in the end there was only one applicable result, it will return that result as the final one.
  • if there was any additional deny or permit result, it will break the loop and return indeterminate
  • if there was any indeterminate result, it will return indeterminate
  • otherwise it will return notApplicable

Successful execution returns permit or deny


PolicySet with managed Policies

    "policyCombinationLogic": "permitUnlessDeny",
    "policies": [
            "policy": {
                "id": "isCustomerMinor",
                "refType": "PolicyRef"
            "policy": {
                "id": "isCustomerInFraudList",
                "refType": "PolicyRef"

Managed PolicySet

    "id": "isScoringPositive",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Denys customers below 18 years old",
    "labels": [
    "policyCombinationLogic": "permitUnlessDeny",
    "policies": [
            "policy": {
                "id": "isCustomerMinor",
                "refType": "PolicyRef"
            "policy": {
                "id": "isCustomerInFraudList",
                "refType": "PolicyRef"


Represents a default Policy that always returns a specified PolicyResult. It can be used as a fallback Policy or in tests. As result is static, it is not cached. It can be used as embedded or as a reference, where id in such reference is one of the following:

  • $permit
  • $deny
  • $indeterminateDeny
  • $indeterminatePermit
  • $indeterminate
  • $notApplicable
defaultStringmandatoryStatic PolicyResult value

Permit PolicyDefault

    "default": "permit",
    "id": "$permit"

Deny PolicyDefault

    "default": "deny",
    "id": "$deny"

IndeterminatePermit PolicyDefault

    "default": "indeterminatePermit",
    "id": "$indeterminatePermit"

IndeterminateDeny PolicyDefault

    "default": "indeterminateDeny",
    "id": "$indeterminateDeny"

Indeterminate PolicyDefault

    "default": "indeterminate",
    "id": "$indeterminate"

NotApplicable PolicyDefault

    "default": "notApplicable",
    "id": "$notApplicable"

PolicyRef to premit PolicyDefault

    "id": "$permit",
    "refType": "PolicyRef"


If Policy or PolicySet is invoked directly or as a filtered Policy list (when evaluating Policies by label or when evaluating all Policies in the catalog), constraints are checked. Constraint are ensuring that Policies that shouldn’t be run for a specific context are skipped. Usually constraints (which are basically PolicyConditions) are defined over a context stores and can return false result if context input doesn’t contain certain values.

This means one PolicyCatalog can contain different Policies that can be run independently based on provided context, as Policies that are not related to a given context will be skipped.

lenientConstraint flag is additionally driving this behaviour by allowing result of such Policy to be either notApplicable if set to true, or indeterminate if set to false.


Represents a relationship between a Policy and a PolicyAction, including any constraints or execution modes.

constraintIPolicyConditionRefOrValueoptionalDetermines should this PolicyAction be executed or not. More details in constraints chapter
executionModeString[]optionalDetermines on which PolicyResults should this Action be executed. Possible values are:
* onPermit
* onDeny
* onIndeterminate
* onNotApplicable
It is possible to set multiple execution modes. If there is no executionMode in the list, action will be run if PolicyResult is deemed successful.
Policy is deemed successful if PolicyResult aligns with target effect.
PolicySet is deemed successful depending on description in combination logic.
PolicyDefault is always deemed successful.
priorityIntoptionalDetermines when this PolicyAction should be run relative to other policy actions in the list. Higher value means it will be run sooner. If two or more policy action relationships have same priority value, they will be run in order they are positioned in the list. Default value is 0.
actionIPolicyActionRefOrValuemandatoryReference to managed PolicyAction or the embedded one.


Represents a relationship between a PolicySet and a child Policy, including any constraints or execution modes.

constraintIPolicyConditionRefOrValueoptionalDetermines should this child Policy be executed or not. More details in constraints chapter
runActionBooleanoptionalDetermines should PolicyAction on this child Policy execute or not. This is per Policy flag that can be turn on or off on parent PolicySet level with runChildActions flag. Default value is true.
priorityIntoptionalDetermines when this particular policy should be evaluated relative to other policies in the list. Higher value means it will be evaluated sooner. If two or more policy relationships have same priority value, they will be run in order they are positioned in the list. Default value is 0.
policyIPolicyRefOrValuemandatoryReference to managed policy or the embedded one.


PolicyRef is entity that references a Policy (Policy, PolicySet or PolicyDefault). It contains following fields:

idStringmandatoryid of the managed Policy
versionStringoptionalSemVer of the referenced Policy. If it is left blank, latest version of a Policy will be populated
refTypeStringmandatorydiscriminator that is used when deserializing catalog from JSON file. It has constant value of PolicyRef