PolicyVariable expressions

Table of contents

Policy Variable expressions are used to reference Policy Variables. They can return PolicyVariableStatic and PolicyVariableDynamic entities. Parser command to be invoked is PEELParser(str).parseVariable() and it returns IPolicyVariable entity.

PolicyVariable command table

*dynPolicyVariableDynamic*dyn(<PolicyVariableResolver|Reference>{1,},#opts?)type, format, timeFormat, dateFormat, dateTimeFormat
*pathPolicyVariableResolver*path(<content>{1,1},#opts?)source, key
*jqPolicyVariableResolver*jq(<content>{1,1},#opts?)source, key

(*) - Boolean condition


PolicyVariableStatic expressions can only contain content that is deserialized to PolicyVariableStatic entity.


Template: #str(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #str
It can contain any string content
Supported options:

  • isJson - boolean, default value is null. It will create PolicyVariableStatic with value of type String and format of JSON.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#str(22,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2",isJson))


Template: #date(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #date
It can contain any string content parsable to date
Supported options:

  • dateFormat - string, default value is null. Provides custom date format for provided content. In format is not provided, ISO 8601 format is used.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#date(15.05.2023,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2",dateFormat="dd.MM.yyyy"))


Template: #dTime(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #dTime
It can contain any string content parsable to date-time
Supported options:

  • dateTimeFormat - string, default value is null. Provides custom dateTime format for provided content. In format is not provided, ISO 8601 format is used.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#dTime(15.05.2023 14:30:00.123 +01:00,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2",dateTimeFormat="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS XXX"))


Template: #time(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #time
It can contain any string content parsable to time
Supported options:

  • timeFormat - string, default value is null. Provides custom time format for provided content. In format is not provided, ISO 8601 format is used.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#time("14/30/00",#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2",timeFormat="HH/mm/ss"))


Template: #per(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #per
It can contain any string content in ISO-8601 format for Period
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#per(P1Y2M3D,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #dur(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #dur
It can contain any string content in ISO-8601 format for Duration
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#dur(PT1H30M,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #int(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #int
It can contain any string content convertible to Integer
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#int(-2147483647,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #long(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #long
It can contain any string content convertible to Long
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#long(9223372036854775807,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #num(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #num
It can contain any string content convertible to Double
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#num(-3.14159,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #float(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #float
It can contain any string content convertible to Float
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#float(3.14159,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #bigD(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #bigD
It can contain any string content convertible to BigDecimal
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#bigD(123456789.987654321,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #bool(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #bool
It can contain true or false strings
Supported options:

  • none

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

#bool(true,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #obj(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #obj
It can contain string in JSON format of type object
Supported options:

  • none

Tip: Escape JSON strings with a backtick

Minimal example:

#obj(`{"key": "value", "foo": "bar"}`)

Full example with options:

#obj(`{"key": "value", "foo": "bar"}`,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


Template: #arr(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with #arr
It can contain string in JSON format of type array
Supported options:

  • none

Tip: Escape JSON strings with a backtick

Minimal example:

#arr(`[1, 2, 3]`)

Full example with options:

#arr(`[1, 2, 3]`,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|"label 2"))


PolicyVariableDynamic expression can only contain commands ot type PolicyVariableResolver or Reference that are deserialized to PolicyVariableDynamic entity.

Template: *dyn(<PolicyVariableResolver|Reference>{1,},#opts?)
Command starts with *dyn
It can contain at least one command of type PolicyVariableResolver or Reference. Multiple commands are provided as comma separated values
Supported options:

  • type - string enum, default value is null. It can contain possible variable types to which parsed value will be cast to
  • format - string enum, default value is null. It can contain possible variable formats to which parsed value will be cast to
  • timeFormat - string, default value is null. Provides custom time format for provided content. In format is not provided, ISO 8601 format is used.
  • dateFormat - string, default value is null. Provides custom date format for provided content. In format is not provided, ISO 8601 format is used.
  • dateTimeFormat - string, default value is null. Provides custom dateTime format for provided content. In format is not provided, ISO 8601 format is used.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

*dyn(*key(foo),*jq(foo),*path(foo),#ref(pvr1),#ref(pvr1,1.2.3),#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|bar,type=string,format=date,dateFormat=dd.MM.yyyy))


PolicyVariableResolver expression can only contain content that is deserialized to PolicyVariableResolver entity. Parser command to be invoked is PEELParser(str).parseVariableResolver() and it returns PolicyVariableResolver entity.

Key resolver

Template: *key(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with *key
It can contain any string content
Supported options:

  • source - string enum, default value is null. It can contain possible store to fetch variable from

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

*key(foo,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo|bar,source=subject))

JMESPath resolver

Template: *path(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with *path
It can contain any valid JMESPath expression
Supported options:

  • source - string enum, default value is null. It can contain possible store to fetch variable from
  • key - string. Contains prefilter value when parsing a variable.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

*path(object.a1,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo,source=subject,key=k))

JQ resolver

Template: *jq(<content>{1,1},#opts?)
Command starts with *jq
It can contain any valid JQ expression
Supported options:

  • source - string enum, default value is null. It can contain possible store to fetch variable from
  • key - string. Contains prefilter value when parsing a variable.

Minimal example:


Full example with options:

*jq(.object.a1,#opts(id=stat,ver=1.2.3-alpha+label1,desc="This is description with spaces",labels=foo,source=subject,key=k))